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A Little Bit about Me

I’m a wife to an amazing man who supports me completely with my hobby! I am a momma to two crazy girls and a zookeeper to all our animals. My two babies are my greastest accomplishment and will always be my top priority. In 2009 I entered an awesome cross road in my life. I left the only career I knew to better myself. I found myself lost, confused and a new mom. I knew with every bit of my soul that I wanted to serve my community. I picked up the only hobby I knew how to do.. photography. With that I let my heart soar and creativity rise to what I now call my career.


As a child, I loved being in front of the camera! My father's greatest love and hobby was his camera. I would line my stuffed animals up arranging them by size and color and call on him for my latest photo shoot! In high school I was known to always have a camera in hand. Some of my most cherished memories are stored away in little scrapbooks. 


Today, I am a self taught natural lighting photographer. My love of working with children probably stems from the fact that I still often act like one. The combination of personality and unique style is what creates a dynamite image. There is nothing I enjoy more than bringing out a child’s true personality. As your photographer my promise to you is to capture those moments I often call the "last". These are those moments as parents we don't often think about. Remember those missing two front teeth or that cheesy grin? The way he crinkles his nose when he's mad? The way he puts his hands to his face when you ask him to smile? Moments we forget about that make parenting funny and enjoyable. I want nothing more than for you and your family to have fun and be yourself. At Meghan Gordon Photography I promise to give my all to you. One camera click at a time.

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